<tc>AMIRO</tc> V 型面罩適用於 <tc>R3 Turbo</tc> - 4 件裝
AMIRO V-Face Mask For R3 Turbo - Pack Of  4 AMIRO
AMIRO V-Face Mask For R3 Turbo - Pack Of  4 AMIRO
AMIRO V-Face Mask For R3 Turbo - Pack Of  4 AMIRO
AMIRO V-Face Mask For R3 Turbo - Pack Of  4 AMIRO

AMIRO V 型面罩適用於 R3 Turbo - 4 件裝

Sale price$27.00 Regular price$40.00
Save $13.00


100% 安全結帳

  • 臉頰肌膚收緊 +14.46% 使用R1 Turbo配合V臉面膜14天后。
  • 雙倍咖啡因高滲透力,緊緻、減少浮腫,打造V臉-瞬間見效更佳。
  • 零添加劑精簡配方,安心舒適體驗。
  • 高導電性,與設備兼容性更好,結合R1 Turbo裝置+物理提拉+緊致成分,三重收緊,塑造彈性緊緻下顎線。
  • 高彈性纖維膜布,緊密貼合,持久效果,提供16倍保濕力,帶來柔嫩水潤效果。
  1. 潔面後,取出V型面膜並展開,與下巴對齊。
  2. 將兩側掛在耳朵上,稍微調整面膜的舒適度。
  3. AMIRO R1 Turbo 裝置完全放在面罩上,在下顎線上滑動並提起。小心避開淋巴和喉嚨區域。臉部兩側各2分鐘,總共4分鐘。
  4. 治療完成後,取下面膜,按摩下巴和頸部,直至精華液完全吸收。
  • 雙倍咖啡因:高滲透力,緊緻肌膚,減少浮腫。
  • 菸鹼醯胺:保護皮膚屏障,抗氧化,提亮膚色,膚色較均勻。
  • 麥角硫因:對抗過早衰老,改善暗沉,增強皮膚彈性。

服務:FedEx/ UPS/ USPS/ DX/等。全球免運

追蹤:透過電子郵件訂購後 3 天內提供。

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Erika M.
It is very moisturizing but for small faces! Haha

I love the mask; however, they should make it XL. I had to add an extension to be able to use it, and my ears hurt because they are super tight. I understand that some people are tiny, but not in the US. The other problem is that it is costly, if I want to use it twice a week. It is not going to work. I wonder if the mask can be reused, like washing it and using it again with conductive gel, or would it be wrong?

Cindy Jung
Amiro V-Face Masks

I’ve only used the v-face mask twice so far. I prefer to use the gel. With only using the mask twice, I didn’t notice anything significant other than being moisturized. But it maybe better if used more often. But it is still worth buying to maintain moisture for skin.

Carina Tso

Very good product, I enjoy it !

Amiro Fan
AMIRO V-Face Mask

Love this V-Face Mask! It is a bit tight, but very easy to use.

Easy to put on

It’s very simple and effective, to lift jawline with this right away. It’s nice to have this to use after the device or the same time.