Reading How to Determine Your Face Shape (and Maintain Its Definition with Age!) 5 minutes

How to Determine Your Face Shape (and Maintain Its Definition with Age!)

Your face shape likely isn’t something you think about often, but understanding it can serve you well. Everything from picking a hairstyle to choosing flattering sunglasses to determine the best makeup techniques hinges on this anatomical detail. 
Your face shape is determined by your underlying bone structure, which is based on genetics. However, your face shape can appear to change slightly as you age due to collagen loss in the skin, giving your face a less defined look. 
In this article, we’ll share the most common face shapes, how to determine which shape most closely resembles yours, and how to support your facial structure as you age. 
The Most Common Face Shapes 
There are six common face shapes, each with its own unique attributes. These include: 
  • Cheekbones are the widest part of the face
  • Curved jawline and chin
  • Tall forehead 
  • Face is longer than it is wide 
  • Forehead, cheeks, and jawline are roughly the same width 
  • Jawline is slightly angled and sharp with a very minimal curve 
  • Face is about as wide as it is long 
  • Cheekbones are the widest part of the face 
  • Sides of the face curve slightly outward
  • Chin is rounded 
  • Face is almost as wide as it is long 
  • Forehead, cheeks, and jawline are roughly the same width 
  • Jawline is slightly angled and sharp with a very minimal curve 
  • Face is longer than it is wide 
  • Forehead is the widest part of the face 
  • Jawline is narrow with a pointed chin 
  • Hairline is rounded or has a widow’s peak 
  • Face is almost as wide as it is long 
  • Cheekbones are the widest part of the face 
  • Chin is pointed, cheekbones are high, and hairline is narrow 
  • Face is longer than it is wide 


How to Determine Your Face Shape 
Now that you have a better idea of each face shape, it’s time to determine which shape most closely matches yours.
The easiest way to determine your face shape is to trace your face in a mirror. To do this, simply look in a mirror and trace the outline of your face on the mirror using lipstick, washable marker, or anything else that’s removable. Step back from the mirror and use the above guidelines to determine your face shape based on the outline. 


Which Face Shape Ages the Best?

When discussing which face shape ages the best, it's important to consider the unique attributes of each type. An oval face, for instance, is often seen as balanced, with a gentle curve to its features. This shape tends to show fewer noticeable changes over time due to its harmonious proportions.

A square face, defined by its angular jawline and equal width across the forehead, cheeks, and jaw, also tends to age well. Its strong features can maintain their structure as one grows older.

Heart-shaped faces, characterized by a wider forehead and a narrower, pointed chin, may also age gracefully. The defined cheekbones and narrower chin contribute to maintaining a youthful appearance.

Similarly, diamond-shaped faces, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, often retain their balanced proportions and structural integrity with age.

While these observations provide some insight, individual factors such as genetics, skincare routines, lifestyle choices, and overall health also significantly influence how well a face ages. Therefore, the concept of which face shape ages the best is nuanced and varies from person to person.


How to Support Your Facial Structure as You Age 
As we mentioned above, your face shape can become less defined as you age. This is due to a loss of collagen, which is a protein that plays an essential role in the structure and function of skin.   
As your skin loses collagen with age, your skin will naturally develop wrinkles and your facial structure may appear to sag or droop. 
Fortunately, there’s a non-invasive, at-home solution to aging skin: the AMIRO Facial Skin Tightening Device. This skincare solution uses four types of technology: pole radiofrequency, gentle microcurrent therapy, red infrared light, and red LED light. 
The combination of these therapies targets your skin’s deepest layers to stimulate collagen production, boost blood circulation, and lift and tighten skin. The result? Diminished fine lines and wrinkles and a more defined, youthful face. 
This skin tightening treatment is simple, safe, and effective, enabling you to give your face a workout from the comfort of your own home. 
If you’re ready to achieve a more toned, sculpted face, try the AMIRO Skin Tightening Machine today!